Sunday, November 4, 2007

Socks Elder Bugs

That's what my almost-4-year old calls them. We've had a warm fall & the asian beetles & box elder bugs have come out in full-force. The kids have collected about 20 of them total & put them in their bug-collecting box. Yet we continue to find more, flying around the lights in the kitchen or climbing up the wall. Josh is learning to master the technique of a gentle touch. A number of bugs have succumbed to a not-so-gentle handling by his little fingers. He's always disappointed when the bugs don't "go" anymore. And if there are any bugs on the floor, you can be sure Katie is going to find them and do what babies do with it's imperative that I keep a close eye on her or else she's going to ingest a bug or two. Not the worst thing, but not what I would choose for her.

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