Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Look Who's Walking!

Now it's REALLY official. For the past couple of weeks she's been taking 8-10 steps here or there. Last night I watched her crawling around on her hands & feet, which was rather odd. Well, she used that method to teach herself how to stand up all on her own. After tumbling over with the first attempt, she mastered it right after that & promptly took 16 steps in a row! Nathan is currently upstairs performing the "carrot-in-front-of-the-rabbit" trick with her--he's holding out a pencil to Katie, which gets her attention & then she follows him wherever he goes, trying to catch the ever-elusive pencil. She's our earliest walker, at 10 & 1/2 months of age. The other kids didn't walk until a few days before or a few weeks after their first birthday! Go, Katie, go!

1 comment:

Miki said...

Wooohooo!! Way to go Katie!! You're getting so big so fast :) Joshy is right behind you I think, he may be older when those steps start but he's working on it all the time right now! LOL