Friday, February 29, 2008

Guess Who? Sorry!

I just named 2 of the games the big kids & I played together tonight. I got them (the games!)at a local thrift store for 40 cents apiece...what a steal! We HAD a Sorry game prior to moving, but I haven't been able to find it since we moved in, so just went & got a "new" one the other night. It's really fun being able to play games with them like that. (Although we're still working on not boasting when you're winning & not whining when you're losing.) And to top the night off, we cozied up on the loveseat & read a couple of new library books together. There's nothing I love more than being sandwiched between my kids as we read a good book! Most of all I love seeing how completely happy they are right now--life is good!

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