Friday, February 29, 2008
Guess Who? Sorry!
I just named 2 of the games the big kids & I played together tonight. I got them (the games!)at a local thrift store for 40 cents apiece...what a steal! We HAD a Sorry game prior to moving, but I haven't been able to find it since we moved in, so just went & got a "new" one the other night. It's really fun being able to play games with them like that. (Although we're still working on not boasting when you're winning & not whining when you're losing.) And to top the night off, we cozied up on the loveseat & read a couple of new library books together. There's nothing I love more than being sandwiched between my kids as we read a good book! Most of all I love seeing how completely happy they are right now--life is good!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Recent pics of the kids!
Here's Kaitlyn. She's not smiling, but I like this picture because you can see how one eye (on the left) is much more hazel than the right eye. The right eye is mostly hazel, but has a quadrant in the lower right that is all blue!
Here's Josh...prior to the staple incident (see previous blog entry):
And Megan, very cheerful & happy this particular morning!:)
And finally, here is Nathan. You'll notice he is missing his 2nd tooth, lost earlier in the morning during breakfast. Don't worry, he didn't swallow it & the tooth fairy came later that night!
Josh spent a little time at the hospital yesterday afternoon. Nothing major, thankfully. But he grabbed a tag on a cord...a tag that had been stapled on & the staple got hooked through the pad of his pinky finger. It was hard to tell how bad it was; he was bleeding & you could see both ends of the staple sticking through his finger. Thank goodness my mom happened to stop by about 5 minutes earlier--she was able to take care of the other kids while I raced Josh off to the hospital. He was anxious at first & obviously distraught over his sore finger, but calmed down pretty quickly once we were taken back to our room. He didn't want to sit on the bed with me, so I picked him up & held him in a cradle position & rocked him back & forth...and in less than 2 minutes he fell sound asleep! While I was sorry that he was hurting, it was really nice to have some snuggling time with my usually squirmy 2-yr old. After his nap, he woke up in good spirits, and we read some books together & examined some of the things we could see in our room--"There's a laundry basket, Momma!" (it was a little garbage can) "Oh! There's a kleenex!" (a medical glove sticking out of a box attached to the wall). Finally, after about 2 hours of sitting there, the doctor came in to remove the staple. A rather simple procedure & one that probably could've been handled just as well at home, eliminating the $100 copay. But that's life. He cried when the staple was removed, but just as quickly stopped, fascinated by the droplets of blood coming out of his finger. The kind nurse brought in a bucket of soapy water for him to splash his hand around in for a while. Then she further cleaned out his finger, finishing it off with a Snoopy band-aid. Ever charming, Josh said "Oh, thank you for the band-aid!" and about it being a Snoopy band-aid, "This is my favorite!" Safe to say he was a favorite patient of the day. It doesn't get any better than a minor injury & a well-behaved little boy at the hospital!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Bye Bye Binky

We're down to 1 child using a binky now! Tonight we took the binky away from Josh cold-turkey. He was a little sad about the idea, but after hearing his big brother & sister say that they don't use binkies, and hearing that the Binky Fairy would bring him a special present if he got rid of his binky, he decided he could handle it. After bedtime stories & songs, we turned out the light, he rolled over & went right to sleep.
Here's what he's getting tomorrow morning from the Binky Fairy (who is an excellent clearance sale shopper, I might add!). A Sing-A-Long Spiderman pal!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lunar Eclipse
Tonight was very special! Nathan is SO into planets & anything "out of this world" that the lunar eclipse couldn't have taken place at a better time! We started counting down the hours until the eclipse already this morning--he just couldn't wait! Here's a picture of him explaining to Megan what is going to take place:
As we waited for the moon to rise, the kids had a special "lunar eclipse treat" (a Frosty from Wendy's). It was kind of like how you get popcorn at the movie theater & then eat it all before the movie even starts:
Then we started watching the moon as it changed. It was VERY cool.

I don't have the best camera by a long-shot, but I was impressed with how some of my pictures turned out in spite of that. I figured they'd mostly be a complete blur...and they are, but not as blurry as I was imagining! We had a PERFECT view of the moon from both downstairs, and upstairs. It was a blessing to be able to stay indoors to watch the eclipse with as bitterly cold as it is around here lately.
I'm not sure what was up with some of the colors that turned up in some of my pictures (some had a blue hue, others were pink, purple, greenish?!?!) but they look cool in spite of that. Also, I have included the reflection of the moon off the window from where I took the picture. I could've edited it out, but I think it provides a more accurate picture of what the moon really looked like. I couldn't use my flash while taking the pictures, of course, but the reflection of the moon is less bright & you can definitely see the eclipse better from some of those angles than of the "real" moon that I was shooting. Here are some pics!
Shadow just starting to cross the bottom left of the moon:

Notice in this next photo how the reflection of the moon shows just how much further the eclipse has progressed:'s like time-lapse photography!;)
More of the same, about 10 minutes later:
Now the reflection has moved to the top right portion of the photo. Again, you can see better from that angle just how much the moon is in shadow, compared to the brighter version:
The moon started to turn a reddish-brown here. It didn't really flatten out; I must've moved a little as I took the picture:
And here is the final picture where you can actually see the moon and its rusty-colored appearance:
I'm not sure what was up with some of the colors that turned up in some of my pictures (some had a blue hue, others were pink, purple, greenish?!?!) but they look cool in spite of that. Also, I have included the reflection of the moon off the window from where I took the picture. I could've edited it out, but I think it provides a more accurate picture of what the moon really looked like. I couldn't use my flash while taking the pictures, of course, but the reflection of the moon is less bright & you can definitely see the eclipse better from some of those angles than of the "real" moon that I was shooting. Here are some pics!
Shadow just starting to cross the bottom left of the moon:
Notice in this next photo how the reflection of the moon shows just how much further the eclipse has progressed:'s like time-lapse photography!;)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Too Cute Not to Share
Well, we bit the bullet & joined the Y today!:) Temps were a balmy 14 below or so outside & we decided it was just right for an afternoon of swimming in the pool...the indoor variety, of course! We had a blast! The kids were so excited, it was a joy just to watch them. They were giggling & splashing like crazy in the wading pool. The fountains were going when we first got there & Josh screeched & squealed at the sight of them. Kaitlyn was the only one who wasn't quite sure about this enormous bathtub she was in. She tried to climb up me as I held her, but eventually she realized it was fun to hang out in the pool. (Boy did she take a great nap when we got home after all that stimulation!) I'm sure we'll be going back for more pool time very soon!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Joshua updates!
Last night (drum roll, please) he peed in the potty!!!! We're nowhere near success just yet, but the fact that he went in there was very encouraging! He CAN do it...we now just need to make a habit of getting him some practice time on the toilet!
And this morning he got his finger stuck in a storage bin. It contains a bunch of their toys & he happened to find a small hole near the handle portion. It was just big enough for the tip of his pointer finger. The problem was, he put his finger in all the way to his 3rd knuckle...and got stuck. So, I had to pull his finger straight up to get him loose. It worked, but not without tearing a layer of skin off that section of his finger. Ouch! I know it hurts a fair amount when just a top layer of skin is rubbed off. He's got a band-aid on it right now, but it sure took a lot of encouragement to convince him that I should put it on.
And this morning he got his finger stuck in a storage bin. It contains a bunch of their toys & he happened to find a small hole near the handle portion. It was just big enough for the tip of his pointer finger. The problem was, he put his finger in all the way to his 3rd knuckle...and got stuck. So, I had to pull his finger straight up to get him loose. It worked, but not without tearing a layer of skin off that section of his finger. Ouch! I know it hurts a fair amount when just a top layer of skin is rubbed off. He's got a band-aid on it right now, but it sure took a lot of encouragement to convince him that I should put it on.
A Good Night's Sleep???
Last night Bryn looked into our smoke detector issue. It must simply be an old detector as it did NOT have a back-up battery in it. So, he disconnected it & we'll purchase & install a new unit this weekend. After getting that one disconnected, we were guaranteed a good nights' sleep, right? Wrong! Incredibly, at 2:13 a.m., the detector in OUR bedroom started chirping & woke us up! My initial thought was that it was still the hallway detector, but how could that be? Then we listened more closely & discovered that the chirp was a little louder than it had been the past 2 nights. I will be running to Target & buying a bunch of 9-volt batteries to replace in ALL the smoke detectors so this doesn't keep happening! Here's to a good night of sleep tonight...I hope?!?!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
What's with this?!?!
If it's not the kids getting us up, there's always got to be something else, it seems! The past couple of nights have been fairly restful as far as kids not getting up the entire night. Interestingly enough, however, our smoke detector has chosen the magic hours of 1:30-3:30 to begin "chirping." The first time it happened, I woke Bryn up & he tried to take the detector down. That's when we discovered that it is hardwired into the house. Interesting. He had a heck of a time getting the thing to snap back into's a wonder no kids woke up! The chirping then stopped. But, same thing happened last night, this time around 1:30. Grrrrr. It does not make this sound during the day. This is the oddest (and most annoying) thing!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008

By the way, did you notice on the picture of the box that it says "4-player game"? Yeah, the kids are taking that to heart. (And no, we don't use hammers to get the kids to go back to sleep, tempting as it may be!)
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